Hi! I'm home! I had a fantastic time in Chicago. I'll need a few days to catch up on everyone's blogs and to get a post up. Y'all need to know that bloggers and Nickelback fans are absolutely the BEST people on earth!
What I’m Reading: Trailer Park Parable
9 hours ago
18 blew out from under the bed:
Ooooh, that does sound like a good time. Can't wait to read about it.
Welcome Back, Sis!
Can't wait to hear all about the Windy City!
Did ya bring me a stick of rock? Glad you had a fantastic time in Chicargo nitebyrd~ thought it was quiet! :-) Can't wait to hear all your excitement....
Welcome Home! :)
Glad you got blown home safely!
Did you get to see some fall colors?
iv missed my fwend.. :)
Hey! Chicago?!?! Does that mean what I think it does? Holding my breath til you get rested and spill the beans. :)
nitebyrd... iwant o hear about the places you ate. I hear they have sme fabulous places t eat there...spill the beans sweetie...um, you know what I mean. :)
oh and hey...I'm double best, cause I'm both. A blogger and a Nickelback fan...YAY!
later honey.
Glad you had fun. Chicago is a great place to be except in winter!
Yo!! da byrd is back! thanks for tourin and support, appreciated.. but hey it was fun for Scarlet an I to watch the fight from ringside without actually getting involved! Fun AND Refreshing!
welcome back - nickleback? I love country music and almost exclusively...but nickleback is heavy in my mps3!!!!
Yes, I hear Chicago has its good points....:)
oh my. dying here.
I adore Chicago!!
glad you had a good time
Riiiggghhtt Now we want details, think this needs an email.....
I'm a nickelback fan too... we all ROCK!! How's your arm? Hope it gets better soon.TC XX
Did you see a lot of beggars there? I remember there were a lot of them when I was last down there.
Welcome back and glad you enjoyed your trip.
Joker ~ It was a good time. I really enjoyed myself in more ways than one!
Ron ~ Thanks, bro. I'm workin' on it!
Indigo ~ You want a stick and a rock from Chicago? Are they famous for those? LOL
Akelamalu ~ Thanks! It was a really nice mini-holiday.
Sorrow ~ I saw some gorgeous fall colors! It was also chilly and the fall smell was in the air. It was heaven!
Steve ~ Thank you, hun. I missed you, too.
Distracted ~ Yes. Yes, it does. Hold tight, I'm working on the post.
Spiky ~ Actually, I had a very sexy gentleman cook for me. Who needs restaurants when you have that!?! I did see lots and lots of Chicago which was really interesting and I also got lots and lots of exercise. ;)
DJ ~ Yeah, I'm not much for snow but I enjoyed the autumn weather.
Barefoot Dreamer ~ I only listen to rock & roll, metal and alternative but I think Tim McGraw and Keith Urban are sexy as hell! I just KNEW you'd be a Nickelback fan, though!
Ronjazz ~ Chicago has some really, really EXCELLENT points. ;)
Dianne ~ Thank you. I definitely liked the city and the suburbs have such fantastic old houses.
Fire Byrd ~ Details forthcoming. I promise!
Rage ~ There were quite a few homeless/panhandlers. I was impressed that the city seems to a least have some help available for many of them. I spoke to a formerly homeless man who was selling a magazine about the city to support himself. I don't think there were more than in NYC or even in Miami (where I NEVER go!) or Orlando. It was fun, thanks!
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