Saturday night, Mulder and I met up with Vi from
Stuck in the Bubble of Blah in Orlando. Vi is visiting the
Land of Disney with her kids. We went out for some adult time in Downtown Disney (see! you cannot escape Disney anywhere in this town!) for some conversation, alcohol and food.
Meeting Vi was such a pleasure! She is funny, beautiful, charming, smart and just an all around fabulous lady! I hope she enjoyed the evening as much as we did.
Thanks, Vi! It was awesome!
12 blew out from under the bed:
I am so jealous that vi got to meet you.......and I agree with everything you say about her.
Oh...I wish I could have been there with you guys!!
See!! If I was still living in Orlando I could have.
DAMN IT!%$^&!
Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm happy for you.
LOVE that pic of Mickey.
THAT'S the Mickey I know - HA!
Looks like a big time was had by all!!!
ohhh yay fun! i love your pictures. :)
Yes I had a fab time finally meeting you and Mulder as well! Thank you soooo much for the watch and the boys hats. I had the ticket seller at Disney comment on the watch this morning asking where I got it from!
I'll be doing a post on our meeting and the rest of the trip when I can, it's been a bloody hectic couple of days...going home tomorrow...sob!
nitebyrd ~ I am sooo jealous of you both, would love to meet you nitebyrd... I think we should all meet up somewhere, well most of us n blogland, there is one I wouldn't wanna meet again. Glad ya had a wicked time.
nitebyrd: You lucky American. You got to meet Vi...AND I love Vi. I want tyo meet her too...hum, I must make a trip to the UK. So many peeps there I want to sleep, I mean meet with. :0)
glad you all had a fab time.
later xxx
It's great meeeting blog people and finding that you can cut through the crap of social niceities and get real dialogue going. Time spent with all the blog people I have met has been fantastic over the years. Blogging makes the world smaller, it's a pity that the land mass is so great between us all or there could be the world's best party going.
Glad you had a good time together. If everyone is enving you for meeting Vi, I can say it's the other way round for me as I'd love to meet you. (and I have been on a night out with Vi!!!)
Hope the results are nothing but good BTW
Yeah, it looks like a fantastic time...but then again, when isn't it a good time at Disney?
i love disney with a passion, wanted to live in a main street usa apartment when i was a child...
fire byrd, you saying meeting me was crap and you would prefer to meet the other byrd? lol!!!!
I've posted about our meeting sweetie!
How very cool that you got together!! Makes this whole blogosphere seem much smaller somehow! Great pic too!
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