Tuesday, June 7, 2011

goNe inSane - Back sOOn!

How's this for the weekend ~

  • Son moves back home with girlfriend.
  • Daughter might be leaving her husband.
I need mass quantites of alcohol and possibly a bucket o' Valium.  I might be MIA for a little while.

18 blew out from under the bed:

Anonymous said...

Oh...good luck with this chica...

the late phoenix said...

that pic to me is elizabeth taylor the moment she realizes she really is elizabeth taylor, most beautiful woman who ever lived, except for you of course ;)

good luck with everything

Ron said...

Sending ya a BIG cyber hug....

((((( You )))))

LOVE the photo! It's flawless!

Take care and know that we'll be here when you get back!

Will miss ya, Sis!


Red Shoes said...

Holy ShizNiT!!!!!!

I hope all works out ok...


CrystalChick said...

OH wow! Hope everything works out alright!

UP said...

Oh, dear, this sucks!


ps...you're most definately smarter than a 5th grader honey!!

Fat Controller said...

'Son moves back home with girlfriend'...I hear you there!

Hope everything works out.

Unknown said...

Definitely know how you feel. Do take care of yourself, dear.

Sandra said...

Oh my goodness, yes, let me help in any way! If I can smuggle good drugs, I'll be sure to email for your address! Take care!

Mortuis said...

Sending a bucket of moonshine your way, darlin'....

Dianne said...

freakin' kids will kill us every time
trust me I know ;)
such a shame we love them

I know how it feels kiddo
hang in there
sending hugs

Nolens Volens said...

Sighs. I'll remember to change the locks when a child moves out. ;)

wendy said...

sorry I haven't got back to your blog sooner.
Sounds like you could use a break!!
Life just keeps throwing darts at us sometimes, I guess we just need to get quicker at dodging them
I hope everything turns out ok for everyone involved here.

Joanna Cake said...

Flipping heck! Meditation and a lot of yoga classes so you can get out of the house. Thinking of you x

Akelamalu said...

Crikey I feel for you. I've had my share of situations like that over the years, it's not nice. x

Sorrow said...

oh man...
I'll try and find some padding for your head so you don't hurt it while your banging it...

Gorilla Bananas said...

Well, there's nothing like a family reunion.

Vixen said...

Oh damn girl...um yeah... Sounds like you've got your hands full!
