Saturday, February 14, 2015

What Is The World Coming To?

I didn’t watch the Grammys. (Hello! Premier of The Walking Dead!) I actually haven’t watched the Grammy awards since they decided that Rock ‘N Roll died. (Yeah, I know. AC/DC opened the show. BFD. They threw us Rockers a bone.) In spite of sounding like an old fart – hip-hop, rap, pop, etc. aren’t genres that I like, nor want to listen to it.  I like Rock ‘N Roll.  Hard rock, heavy metal, folk rock – whatever, if it’s Rock, I like it. Not having a Rock station, on free radio, in my area since 2011 makes finding and hearing new Rock a bit difficult, though.

Having said that, you would think that perhaps I live under a rock when it comes to knowing what’s going on in the music world in general.  Perhaps I do because when it comes to naming one Kanye West song, I couldn’t even if you put a gun to my head.  However, … it appears as if someone has named Mr. West  THE ALL POWERFUL EMPEROR AND CZAR OF ALL MUSIC IN THE UNIVERSE, when I wasn’t looking.

Seriously, WTF?

I know of Kanye West, just like I know about his wife because every damn time they do something asinine, it’s all over the news (National fucking News!!!) like white on rice.

As I’ve said, I don’t know the man’s music.  I don’t care to know about it.  If you are a fan, that’s fine by me but this self-aggrandizing piece of human detritus needs to back the fuck up!  What gives him the right to criticize another musician’s work and/or talent?  In my un-expert opinion, he makes himself appear unintelligent, classless and just plain ignorant.  Is he well respected in the music industry?  Anyone know?  I can’t imagine that true musicians would give this man even an iota of credit for anything other than marrying into a family that will keep his sorry ass in the spotlight for the foreseeable future.  

I believe this was the second time Mr. West has requested that another artist renounce their, I’m sure well deserved award, and turn it over to Beyonce.  Really!?! Isn’t Beyonce humiliated by this? I mean, she appears to be doing just fine without whatever award(s) she lost.  Were I Beyonce, I’d be crawling under my seat with shame.  Jesus H. Christ!

Okay. Enough.  Sunday was tragic enough without adding the pitiful Kanye West into the mix.  Nickelback wasn’t even nominated for a Grammy. (*sob*) Tyreese got bit by Noah’s zombie brother, got his arm cut off my Michonne but DIED anyway in the most heart-wrenching death since Andrea died.  (*long, snotty, loud crying*)

They’re killing off well loved characters left and right on TWD lately.  I wonder if they might cast ole’ Kanye as zombie bait in the future.  Ah! One can only dream!

Smiley from Millan.Net

9 blew out from under the bed:

Ron said...

"you would think that perhaps I live under a rock when it comes to knowing what’s going on in the music world in general."

Same here.

I don't know Kanye West's music, so I had to go over to You Tube and search him before leaving this comment.

And all I can say is, he does look full of himself. Also, I'm so not into rap.

X ya, Sis!

Anonymous said...

There is only one Kanye tune I like. It's called Stronger. But the main reason I like it is not because of Kanye West. He partnered with a musical duo called Daft Punk who are AWESOME!

Like you, I am a rocker! Also like you, I have not watched the Grammy's since Jethro Tull won the Grammy over Metallica. It was at that point that I knew the Grammy's were fixed.

As far as Kanye is concerned. He is indeed a piece of shit who knows not what he speaks of. I give him no creedence.....

CrystalChick said...

Love it.

Yeah, Kayne is a douche for all that.
I like other genres of music besides rock, but not rap, not since the Sugarhill Gang anyway. haha

Hello!!! I'm back to my blog... for how long, no one could know. ;)

Miss ya!

Jen Fooled Around said...

AMEN ... finally someone else who could care less about Kanye and Kim! Why should we care about either of them.. and remind me .. why is she famous? Does she sing? act? play sports? no no and no.. as you can see.. I get riled up whenever I see them and I should start a "Keep the Kardasians off tv and news" group..

As for Kayne... all I can say is.. what a jerk!
Thanks for letting me vent :)

Anonymous said...

have not owned a TV in years, They make you pay for that shit where I live, so I have better things to do with my $, thank you very much.
I don't know either Beyonce or wets music, I DO however have to listen to katy perry, as I have a 15 year old...
she at least takes pity on me and mixes it up with Rammstein , ozzy and acdc ..~grin~

UP said...

Music is dead.

nitebyrd said...

Hey, y'all! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm a slacker and I have no excuse other than time is going by too quickly and I have too damn much to do!I hope to get back on track soon!

Red Shoes said...


I was reading your lack-of-rock diatribe when 'Hotel California' came on the radio...

I'm better already...

How are you, dear??


Annie Lowery said...

Great post, thank you