Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wet Pussy and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

13 blew out from under the bed:

Red Shoes said...

Poor pussy... er... kitty... :oD



Vixen said...

haha....thta's so wrong ;)


Indi said...

O lord what have they done to this poor obviously stressed kitty, how cruel... cats aren't meant to be wet.. I hope the owner is re incarnated as a mouse...REVENGE!!



Nolens Volens said...

And I was hoping to see...never mind. ;) I love pussies. I mean, cats!

Ron said...

Awww....poor kitty!

I have to agree with Indi...

"cats aren't meant to be wet.. I hope the owner is re incarnated as a mouse...REVENGE!!"


X ya, Sis!

CrystalChick said...

Aw, sweet little thing. Hope she scratches her bad mommy for getting her all wet. :(

Gucci Mama said...


Miranda said...

Not the pussy I expected.
Poor kitty.

Akelamalu said...

Aw poor Kitty!

flying solo said...

awwww .. poor kitty cat .

As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short but.. Happy St. Pattys Day !!

Unknown said...

lmao, it's been years since I've heard that song... brilliant =)

UP said...

You had me at "wet pussy"!


nitebyrd said...

Shoes ~ The look on that cat's face speaks volumes.

Vixen ~ It is, isn't it? But still funny. (I'm going to hell.)

Indi ~ I can only imagine that that cat is used to baths as he actually sat there dripping wet. My cat would've taken my arm off.

NV ~ LOL! That's the only wet pussy around here. *sigh* Sorry to disappoint! ;)

Ron ~ From the look that cat is giving, I only hope the owner slept with one eye open!

Crystal Chick ~ Well, he definitely wasn't happy!

Gucci ~ I KNOW! But I can't change now, I'm too fucking old!

Miranda ~ Yeah, it was a cheap shot but I had to do it!

Akelamalu ~ I'm hoping he was given a whole can of albacore tuna afterward.

Flying Solo ~ No worries, hun. I'm so behind I feel like The White Rabbit.

Pallas ~ Don't you LOVE that song! It just is perfect for so many occasions!

UP ~ LOL! I know sometimes extra inspiration is needed to bring in readers.