Most days my job is mind numbing. Other days, my poor Swiss cheese brain is worked to its limits. After working in the medical field for 25+ years, lemme tell you Obamacare makes me more terrified than clowns. Insurance companies are a clusterfuck as it is, add on insurance for the uninsured, etc. and I think we're gonna have Armageddon. Don't even get me started on the Fiscal Cliff from which I tend to segue to the moral/ethical cliff that we've already plunged over like so many lemmings. See, I'm off on a tangent. I'll save that discussion for another time.
What I wanted to tell you is that when I'm at work and I go out to the parking lot to smoke, I see lots of birds and small animals. To either perk my sleeping brain up or give it something silly to think about, I'll anthropomorphize the wee beasties that linger. If you read my blog about the Florida woodpeckers, you'll remember Winston and Phyllis. About a week ago, I heard a woodpecker cheeping by the building. He was perched on the ledge below the hole that held the original nest. He was looking up towards the hole, chattering. He then flew up to the hole and stuck his head inside. I decided he was the couple's son, Dennis. He'd come home to borrow money and was dismayed that mom & dad had moved, leaving no forwarding address! (If you don't have or had teenagers, you won't find this as amusing as I do.) Dennis' cries were very plaintive when he flew back down to a nearby tree. He must have accepted his fate to be broke because I haven't seen him since.
There's also a rabbit that lives in the woods bordering the parking lot. He comes out in the morning and late afternoon to munch on the long grass. I know he's the same rabbit because his left ear is deformed. It appears he has only one ear so I've named him Van Gogh. I think he's a curmudgeon. He sits and chews the grass but it looks like he's muttering to himself. Probably about the field mice that make a mad dash for the bushes when I approach. The scare him. Or he's pissed at the noisy blue jays that fight over berries. He could just be annoyed that he has a nub of an ear and no hot female rabbit will give him the time of day. But I really think he's just cranky over life in general. That's probably why I like him so much! Grumpy Bunny and Dust Bunny, a perfect pair!