Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another One (Year) Bites The Dust!

In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber. So long as it receives a message of beauty, hope, cheer, and courage - so long are you young. When the wires are all down and our heart is covered with the snow of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, and only then, are you grown old.

~Douglas MacArthur

(It's my birthday today.)

27 blew out from under the bed:

Fire Byrd said...

Happy Birthday sweetie,
May you have an excess of all good things this year and no bad, especially in relation to offspring!!!!!

Distracted said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!! May this year find you even more fabulous than the last.

FiachraLili said...

I hope you have a wonderful day and all the good that you deserve happens..

Happy Birthday

Love & hugs lili xx

TAG said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you Nitebyrd.

Not another year older, another year better. ;-)

Enjoy your day.


Karl said...

Happy Birthday Nitebyrd,

Hope you have a Great day!

Get8More said...

Happy Birthday to you young lady....

Anonymous said...

IV said happy birthday earlier..
What im sayin now is different.. iv been watchin you from way back, from when Tiffy was interactin with Spiky, and that other fellow.
Iv seen your quality and your heart, you stand the test of time, and while Im only getting to know you now, I honour you for your heart.

Indi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NITEBYRD...HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 YOU ....Have a wonderful time, and may everything you wish for ..come to you with love, laughter and happiness xxxx

Ron said...


Hip, hip hooray!!!

What a little "cutie" your were - and STILL are!!

Hey...I love the quote you shared by MacArthur!

And like The Levi Store said...I honor you for your beautiful heart.

Wishing you a FAAAABULOUS day, Sis!

I love ya!

Deech said...

Happy B-Day...for some reason I had it in my mind that it was on the 25th.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Happy Birthday to you....you beautiful woman.

Fat Controller said...

A very happy birthday to you, and many more of them!

Daren said...

Happy Birthday, I hope you have a splendid year.


Akelamalu said...

Happy Birthday Nitebyrd and Many Happy returns. :)

Riff Dog said...

Happy birthday, Cutie!

nitebyrd said...

Fire Byrd ~ Thank you, hun! My son is trying to kill me. He washed the floors today AND got me a birthday card. :-O

Distracted ~ I'm hoping that I'll be fabulously wealthy this year. Hope springs eternal.

lili ~ Thank you!

TAG ~ I'm aging like fine wine or balsamic vinegar. Thanks for stopping by!

Karl ~ Thanks! Nice of you to come by.

Get8More ~ Thank you, kind sir!

The Levi Store ~ You're so sweet. Sexy, too. Why are you so far away?

Indigo ~ You sing like a bird! Thank you, sweetie. If I can't have all 3, I'll take laughter!

Ron ~ The harmony you and Indigo produce is beautiful! Thank you. Yeah, I was a cute kid.

Joker ~ I lie about my birthday on most forms - the day and year! Silly, I guess. I was doing it because of identity theft but no one would want my identity now! LOL

Spiky ~ Thank you, you gorgeous girl!

Fat Controller ~ Hopefully enough to get revenge! ;)

Dazza ~ Thanks!

Akelamalu ~ Thanks so much!

Riff Dog ~ Thank you, handsome!

Hubman said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you get to celebrate it properly :-)

rage said...

Happy birthday youngin! I hope you have a great time and do whatever you feel like doing!

I love the cake too!

Anonymous said...

happpppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I hope you got a lick per year, and licked, and and yeah you get it!

Chapter Two said...

hey there girl! birthdays all around, tis the season. Well it is almost over I hope it was FABulous!

13messages said...

Happy birthday to you! Here's wishing you the best that life has to offer.

The Temptress said...

Happy Birthday! - a day late. I really like your blog. :-)

Sorrow said...

You share a Birthday with a life long friend of mine!
Now how cool is that?
awesome people must be born on this day!
Wishing You love and laughter and a year full of fun!

vixen kitten said...

Happy birthday, Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Cant believe I missed this!

Happy Belated Birthday lovely lady!!

mina said...

I'm sorry I missed your birthday... happy belated birthday!

xo mina

Jackie Adshead said...

I'm sorry I missed it too - happy belated birthday. xx