Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.
~ Anne Sexton

7 blew out from under the bed:

Indi said...

nitebyrd ~ Beautifully put, as you never fail me. Happy Daddy's day to all our Fathers. I am just on my way to see my Dad n give him an adorable card. He is my rock. And nitebyrd my lovely... you rock! Have a lovely Sunday



Jen Fooled Around said...

great quote..

My Dad is 88 and I am blessed to still have him around to make memories with.

Happy Fathers Day Gentlemen!

nitebyrd said...

Indi, Jen ~ My father died when I was 7. I remember little bits & pieces of him. I'm so glad you both have your Dads around as I'm glad my kids have theirs!

Indi said...

niterbyrd ~ I am sorry for your loss of so young a child not to have had a future with him, he would have been so proud of you.




Anonymous said...

Excellent quote!

TALON said...

That's a quote I've never heard before and I really like it.

nitebyrd said...

Indi ~ Thank you. I hope he would be proud.

Sage ~ Yeah, it is, isn't it? Hope you had a good Father's Day!

Talon ~ Thank you. I'm glad you like it.