Friday, February 24, 2012

!?! WHAT !?!


Life can change in a instant! 

To be continued ...

11 blew out from under the bed:

Akelamalu said...

What, WHAT??????

Ron said...'ve got me so curious, Nitebyrd!

Do hope it's a positive change.

X ya, Sis!

P.S. eagerly anticipating to be continued.....

Anonymous said...

A cliffhanger? I soooo curious now.

nitebyrd said...

I didn't win the lottery. THAT would be totally rockin'! I won't make y'all wait too long, promise!

Dianne said...

you're killin' me !!

but I'll try to be patient

on a totally different note - have you tried for photo edits? I'm starting to like it

Anonymous said...

....Curiouser and curiouser....

tattytiara said...

OH DO TELL, and I mean that in the brightest pink font way possible!

wendy said...

You just gonna leave us hanging???!!!
Spill it girl.

and Yes I KNOW all about life changing in a moment.

but I am still intrigued!

UP said...

pins and needles honey.


nitebyrd said...

I hope to be able to make the post about it on Friday!

Indi said...

nitebyrd ~ Hmmmm this sounds rather exciting, I know you won't dissapoint us.. so don't keep us in suspence too long.... ;)

