Monday, September 22, 2008

On this day ....

38 blew out from under the bed:

Mortuis said...

Happy Birthday!

Thank the gods, I got to be the first this time instead of the forty-seventh or something....

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Wonderful Birthday wishes from me to U!
*sweet kisses*

Ronjazz said...

Hey...of COURSE you should have the greatest day known to man or woman. Hope it's a good one!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

Happy Birthday :)

Utter Basketcase said...


LMAO at the poor liddle cake with his head on fire! xx

Anonymous said...

Awesome graphic! I loved that - reminds of old bill the cat from the Opus cartoon. Ackkk!

And bestest of birthdays to you. You're definitely one hot rockin' birthday girl! I hope it's a great one. :)

Apollo Unchained said...

Happy Birthday sweetie! I may steal the "55" image for my own 55th next month.

Constance said...

Happy birthday, Nitebyrd ! We'll have to get together and celebrate with afternoon tea somewhere decadent and lovely, and ignore our hot flashes :) !!!

Apollo Unchained said...

Happy Birthday sweetie! I may need to steal your "55" image for my own 55th next month.

Indi said...

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY " babe, We have to remember, we are as old as we wish to feel, age is but a number, by the way, you look damn sexy for whatever age you said you are , personally I think you lookalot youger!

Anonymous said...

happyyy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy

hit the early bird special for the best discounts!!!

Ron said...




And I actually thought you were 28 years olds!

You look AWESOME, dear lady!!!

Wishing you a MAGICAL day and an ORGASMIC year!

Deech said...

Its Today? I thought it was on the 25th! Oh Man, hey happy B-day to you! I have seen your pic and from the looks of it, you are proving that 50 is the new 30.

Spiky Zora Jones said...


Youhave fun blowing out that big candle...hehehe. Um,and have some birthday cake too. Yum.

Enjoy your B-day sweetie.
Ciao honey.

Sorrow said...

shake it baby!

Rupert said...

Happy B-Day NB!!! Envying your B-day cake right now. :-)

Mortuis said...

What is it they say? - "You're only as old as the people you feel?" Find yourself a 19-year-old studmuffin and begin again from 19!


Trixie said...

Happy birthday to ya hon!

Sassy said...

Happy Birthday!

Eve in Chains said...

Happy Birthday, Chica! Live it up, live it up!



Riff Dog said...

Happy birthday! And no, you don't look like you care!

nitebyrd said...

Thanks, everyone! Special kisses with tongue to y'all and a extra grope for those who came over with good wishes from Southern Sage.

Apollo ~ Steal away, hun. I stole it! :)

Lady in red said...

Happy birthday dear girl, I only hope I look as good when I hit that age

Akelamalu said...


I wish I was 55 instead of almost 59!

Fire Byrd said...

late I know, but happy birthday hon.
Aren't you as old as the man you feel anyway!
And I'm only 6 months behind you and as far as I'm concerned, middle age is always 5 years older than me!!


Fat Controller said...

I missed your birthday!!!! I'm so sorry. I hope you had a wonderful day.

Daren said...

Hope you had a great one! Happy birthday.


Jackie Adshead said...

Happy Birthday! Hope its a good year for you!!!

John-Michael said...

The happiest, most joyous, and silliest (how I do love "silly") of birth anniversaries to you, My Darling NiteByrd. I have noted this date on my calendar ... that I may look forward to sharing renewed appreciation of you and love of you each of every coming year. I do love loving You!

Jackie Adshead said...

Oh, and by the way, I've just finished my Fantasy Fannies (Pussy Portraits) that you may be interested in - they're on my blog now, and if you want to participate now's your chance to have yours painted too if you want to...?!!!! :)

CrystalChick said...

Gosh, where did my comments go, on this and the last post? I thought I left some love???
Did I just read them and think I'd come back later to drop a note??? Dunno?

you are FABULOUS! So have a very Happy Birthday week. Hope it's a terrific year!

p.s. I know exactly who Lizzie and Martha are as they visit me often. I can really understand a little of what you are going thru. But hang in there because you are going to be a great aesthetician!! A good facial is fabulous.
Things will balance out eventually.
Best wishes, for your birthday, new career, everything!!! Hugs, M

Casdok said...

A very happy belated birthday to you! And a happy birthday to your daughter! And your right i do feel younger!! Cheers!

Pixiepie said...

Yey!! It's your birthday. It's been awhile since I've stopped over...glad it was on a happy occasion!

Anndi said...

Happy belated Birthday sweetie!

nitebyrd said...

Lady In Red ~ Thank you! I told you ~ airbrush! I may take the class in it. That way, I'll always look like a magazine woman. LOL

akelamalu ~ You're really only 39 with some additions! I don't feel 55, which when I was 25 seemed ancient. I still feel about 30, so I'm going to just keep going and going and going!

fire byrd ~ I'm thinking that "old" now is about 90. Based on that, we're just young chicks!

FC ~ Thanks! Dinner tomorrow will be the celebration. My daughter's birthday is only a couple days after mine. We'll celebrate together.

dazza ~ Thank you. Keep an eye out for a review. I'm finally getting to actually "listen" to music.

jackie ~ I saw your paintings. They are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! Hell, YES! I want to participate. Tell me what to do? (I know a picture is involved but what else?)

john-michael ~ You are so sweet! I always look forward to your posts and your comments. Thank you.

crystalchick ~ Blogger does weird things. Every so often someone mysteriously disappears off my blog roll. Isn't it hard having two people in your head all the time? I guess it could be worse and have 3! :)

casdok ~ THAT was my gift to you! I'm glad you and C enjoyed his birthday.

pixiepie ~ Thank you. Nice to see you again!

Anndi ~ Thanks! Even though having another birthday makes my teeth hurt, it's much better than the alternative!

Joanna Cake said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!! x

Real Live Lesbian said...

Happy Belated birthday! Mmm...cake!

SweetAnnee said...

of course you don't care...Hope it was a great one..filled with presents and CAKE!!!
fondly, Deena