Monday, September 15, 2008

Thank you!

I've had over 10,000 hits ...

16 blew out from under the bed:

Anonymous said...

Thats a long spanking!
I bet your lil but is on fire!!!


Sorrow said...

Thats a lot of hits..
but at least they are hitting your sweet spot!
yeah you!
shake it !

Deech said...

Yay You! Way to go!

Akelamalu said...

Wahay! :)

Anndi said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We love you! We really love you!!!

Constance said...

Whoo-hoo, indeed, Ms. Thing !!!

Have a great week, Nitebyrd !

Daren said...

Nice dance! Well done!!


Ron said...

YAHOOOOOOO Nitebyrd!!!!

Way to GO, GIRL!

HAPPY 10,000th DAY!

So happy I met you!

And I LOVE the happy dance here. It's so damn cute!

Fire Byrd said...

Yo nightbyrd I've been sent here by the magic of black box... very addictive. It's strange when it sends me places I know.
That's a got lot of , must be your exciting life that makes us come back for more.

Anonymous said...

Congrats pretty lady!

CrystalChick said...

OF COURSE you have lots of peeps lovin' your space in bloggy world!! Keep on having fun!! :)))

Trixie said...


Utter Basketcase said...

WOOOO! Happy anniversarys EVERYWHERE!!!! xx

Apollo Unchained said...

Nice milestone! Well done! How long did it take you?

Indi said...

Happy 10,000 day Well done keep em cuming!!

nitebyrd said...

Thanks, y'all! I get excited over odd things. Like I'm really excited about the new skull cursor I got. I'm trying to figure out how to get a bird one on here.

Apollo ~ my blogiversary is October 10. I'm WAY more excited about my blog being 1 than I am about me being 55 on 09/22!

I really appreciate all the people who come here to read my twisted, silly thoughts. Actually, I'm humbled and honored.