Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grande Finale

The affiliate manager of LoveHoney - UK, Paid On Results held an affiliate competition the last twelve days asking affiliates to highlight 12 of LoveHoney's products.  We were given suggestions but were encouraged to use our imagination.  Winners of the most creative would be chosen each day to receive a L50.00 cash prize and the best overall will win an iPad.  Very cool, right?

I was chosen the winner on Day 7!  (YAY! me!) Which Photobucket has deemed obscene! ASSHOLES!  So, of course, I'm goin' for the gold and trying to win the iPad. Even though the PB idiots have messed up my Grande Finale.  Here's my winning entry, in case you missed it ~


Check out LoveHoney, they have reasonable shipping to the USA and will show everything in US Dollars. I decided to use my winnings to purchase the basque and skirt set from Day 6.  It's lurrrverly, don'tcha think?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

 Enjoy this song (it's a heartbreaker) from one of my favorite artists ~ Paul Thorn

7 blew out from under the bed:

Ron said...

Oh paaaaleese!!!!


I think it's freakin' faaaaaabulous, Nitebyrd!

Original! Clever! Awesome!

PB idiots!

Congratulations on winning! I love the basque and skirt set - Va-voom!

And I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that you take the GOLD and win the iPad!

You GO, Sis!

X ya!

Kimber Leszczuk. said...

I think it is a cute idea! I hope you win!!!! Good luck :)

Jen Fooled Around said...

still amazes me what gets censored and what gets by...

Congrats to you tho!!!

and IPad would look great under your christmas tree !

Akelamalu said...

Well done you! I hope you win the iPad too. x

CrystalChick said...

That's awesome!! Congrats. Hope you win the iPad. Cool tune too!

Heff said...

Never mind all that shit.

Where do you buy that ROCKING Santa Penis Hat ?!?

Anonymous said...

if santa doesn't get me an ipad this year, i'll definitely stop believing in him this time...