Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You'll Never Guess ...

... what this is a commercial for.

My sweet Vincent sent this to me. Even someone deep in the abyss has got to laugh at it because it's fucking brilliant!

9 blew out from under the bed:

Red Shoes said...


That is BRILLIANT!!!

I NEVER saw THAT end coming!!!


Anonymous said...


Fat Controller said...

Brilliant! Laughed out loud!

CrystalChick said...

Terrific! I'll be borrowing this, thanks!

Akelamalu said...

OMG that was brilliant!

Unknown said...

lmfao! Is it bad that before I saw her on the ceiling, I was expecting it to be some sort of sex toy? lol!

UP said...



Riff Dog said...

That really is brilliant. It would have been funny enough if it were any brand, but Dirt Devil is the icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

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